The 45th Bangkok Gems and Jewelry Fair has turned out to be one of the best in recent years. Overall results, in terms of sales and orders reported by exhibitors, were far better than expected.
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This was despite the uncertain local political situation that dampened the mood of the fair’s opening day, Friday February 26th. But with the situation resolved on the Friday evening, the fair proceeded apace over the following four days.
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The star business category of the Fair was silver jewellery, which did very well indeed. Silver is clearly recovering much of the market share that it lost in previous years. Gold jewellery did well too. The gemstone section was satisfactory overall with many vendors reporting brisk sales. It was clear that more serious buyers were attending the fair. This is to be expected, because economic strictures doubtless discourage many visitors who go just to view and admire. When times are hard, it is left for the single-minded trader to carry the corporate flag to the international fairs.
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The 45th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair showcased the world-class skills of Thailand’s home-grown artisans, thereby encouraging industry links with traders from around the globe and offering participants the chance of being at the centre of the gem industry.
The BGJF is now internationally recognized as one of the top five gems and jewellery exhibitions in the world. It is a proactive platform from which to promote Thai gems and jewellery on the international stage and further enhance Thailand’s image as the leading source of the highest quality gemstones, created by the world’s finest craftsmen.
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The fair featured many special attractions such as the TGJ Elite Creation Pavilion, the Hot 2010 Vol II Design Pavilion, the Diamond Fine Pavilion, and the Business Matching Zone.
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Mr Martin Rapaport, keynote speaker at the “Diamond Decade: New Opportunities” seminar, stressed that the new business reality is not about money, but about value: economic, social, political and generational values, which are all undergoing a fundamental shift. The key to future survival in the global economy, he said, is to adopt strategic thinking, and not just remain a survivor of the past decade, but to reposition one’s business as a winner of the next decade.
The President of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses Mr Avi Paz delivered a speech on the “Global Economy, the Thailand Economy and the Diamond Market” at the Fair. Mr. Paz said that the past year was the most difficult year for the global economy in world history. However, the economic climate looks much better now and he wished that we, the people in the gems and jewellery industry, should face start the year 2010 with hope. The next edition of the Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair, the 46th, will run September 7-11, 2010 at the Impact Challenger venue.