Schofer’s new start from solid ground!

July 2010

After a year of intensive restructuring, Schofer has found a new base as far as partners are concerned. Dr. Bilgery, the insolvency administrator of Eugen Schofer GmbH & Co. KG, has sold, effective as of July 1st, 2010, all facilities and machinery to the new founded successor company „Schofer Germany – THE CHAIN COMPANY GmbH & Co. KG“.

The whole staff was taken over by the new company reports Mathias Kohlhammer.

After having checked a few options for continuation, the partners comprise now together with Mathias and Axel Kohlhammer, the businessmen and family members Jörg and Manfred Lupus, who after having sold the commercial group of Famila, now also get involved in the jewellery business.

As another strategic partner the renowned Japanese chain manufacturer Nakagawa Corporation, Tokyo holds minority participation. Schofer has enjoyed friendly relationships with the Nakagawa family for over 30 years.

That strategic cooperation between Schofer and Nakagawa opens new perspectives for both manufacturers and promises Schofer excellent prospects on the Asian market.

The managing director of Schofer Germany – THE CHAIN COMPANY GmbH & Co. KG is Mathias Kohlhammer.

Schofer will continue to position itself at the production site of Pforzheim as a premium chain manufacturer with some 65 employees. Innovative products, creative design and the high quality of “Made in Germany” will be offered worldwide to demanding clients. The successful Joint Venture Gemas Precious Metals, Malaysia will also be continued.

With two production sites in Japan and one in Sri Lanka as well as sales establishments in Japan and sales offices in Hong Kong, the USA and Germany the Nakagawa Corporation, Japan belongs with its staff of over 800 to the most important chain manufacturers worldwide..

So the cooperation partners Schofer and Nakagawa dispose around the globe of all possibilities of chain production enabling them to satisfy nearly all demands of their clients.

As a further strategic partner on the suppliers’ side Schofer works close together with the refinery Carl Schaefer GmbH & Co. KG, Pforzheim.

Our customers’ often longstanding fidelity and closeness to Schofer was the important ground for a successful new start.

This successful new start was also a result of the intensive and positive cooperation between the insolvency administrator Dr. Wolfgang Bilgery (Büro Grub Brugger & Partner, Stuttgart), the previous owners and the Lawyers office of Ladenburger Neifeind Schmücker & Homann, Pforzheim, in whose office the contracts have been signed these days.

Both management and staff look forward to facing the challenges of the future and will be a competent partner for their clients with new ideas and innovations.