RJC announced new member at ‘VicenzaOro First’

January 2011

The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) announced that the Club degli Orafi Italia has joined the Council’s membership. The announcement was made at RJC’s press conference at the ‘VICENZAORO First’ Jewellery Show.

The Club degli Orafi Italia, the leading independent association of major Italian jewellers, joins more than 260 companies and key international and national trade associations including Jewelers of America, the American Gem Society, the National Association of Goldsmiths, the British Jewellers Association, the World Gold Council, the Union Française BJOP, the Danish Jewellers Association and the Italian Confindustria FEDERORAFI as Members of the RJC.

Founded in Milan in 1980, the Club degli Orafi Italia represents the most reliable source of information about trends in the Italian jewellery industry. The Club degli Orafi is an association for the whole industry in terms of the sharing of professional culture and relations between the Members, the most dynamic and innovative entrepreneurs in the industry.
