Unconventional by nature, D.Maule states this character in each piece of jewelry that he creates. The conventional jewelry made clichés, designed and created by 3D printers on computer is not for him.
- Aurora & Isola Bella
Strong supporter of the craft, the true “handmade Made in Italy”, he writes: “only the hand of man is able to give to a work of art that finishing touch, that warmth and why not that imperfection that make it unique and unrepeatable. The jewels of the collection Dust Kreations enclose within itself over a thousand years of history, tradition and working techniques handed down by the Italian goldsmith school, a major cultural baggage that I carry with me and I try to convey with great passion”
- Sunset Boulevard & Red Carpet
From dust and matter life is created. Hence the name Dust Kreations an evocative name that is a tribute to nature and its forms. The jewels of the collection are produced in limited series and in some cases we are talking about unique pieces, creations that go beyond the traditional geometric and conventional lines of modern jewelry, they seek plasticity in organic and natural shapes, they live beyond fashions and time. From the hands of the artist true works of art are born, small sculptures to wear where gold, diamonds and precious stones of all kinds come together in ways that seem shaped by the force of the elements.
- Cosmo & Blossom
The high quality of the raw materials used and the strong character that distinguishes the entire collection, destine the creations Dust Kreations certainly to customers attentive and sensitive to the magic that jewellery of Art can transmit. Through the collection Dust Kreations Exclusive Jewellery Art the artist wants to offer the public a different way of interpreting the jewel breaking the classic patterns and involving the person in a fantastic game of creative seduction.