For its second participation at the Biennale des Antiquaires - Grand Palais, Paris in France - and for the first time since the creation
of Dior Joaillerie, 150 one-of-a-kind pieces will be shown together in a showcase-boutique designed in the
codes of the House of Dior.
Thirteen new pieces around three emblematic themes will be completing this overview of the Dior Joaillerie
Necklace & ring Precieuses Rose |
• « La Rose Dior », in tribute to Christian Dior’s favourite flower, designed as a diamond necklace,
« Précieuses émeraudes » ring and earrings and « Rose Dior Bagatelle » rings.
Ring & earrings Le Coffret de Victoire |
• « Le Coffret de Victoire », a collection of one-of-a-kind pieces designed around a centre stone discovered
in one of the four corners of the world, which has been enriched with two sets of rings and earrings coloured
with all the naivety of Technicolor, the sophistication of Cinemascope and the exuberance of Bollywood.
Rings Incroyables et Merveilleuses Toucan & Papillon de Paradis |
• « Les Incroyables et Merveilleuses », emblematic pieces created in 1999 and instigators of the « cocktail
rings » style with huge centre stones and narrative settings that are enhanced by two different stories.