By Cynthia Unninayar
One of today’s hottest designers of fine jewellery is Caroline Chartouni. A winner of prestigious AGTA awards for three consecutive years, she originally hails from the world of fashion and art, but now creates elegant and emotional focal points for the hand, finger, ears, and neck. To learn more about this remarkably talented artist, CIJ TRENDS & COLOURS spoke with Ms. Chartouni, the creative force behind her brand, Caroline C.
- Caroline Chartouni
CIJ TRENDS & COLOURS: What made you shift from art and designing fashion to creating fine jewellery?
Caroline Chartouni: Fashion and jewellery are not that far apart in their expression. Both adorn us. Both surprise us. Both make a statement. Jewellery is, in fact, wearable art. Even though the material is totally different, I found it a natural progression to move into creating original works with gemstones and metal rather than fabric or paint. I might add, too, that jewellery can endure forever, handed down as cherished heirlooms from generation to generation, while fashion is more ephemeral in nature.
Most of your pieces use coloured gemstones. Which stones do you prefer, and how do you find them?
We use colour because it gives depth to jewellery. It can make it soft and subtle or exuberant and bold. Colour expresses feelings—it creates feelings. When light hits a gemstone, it makes it come alive. I appreciate all gems. They have meaning and attraction, from the glimmer of spinel to the sparkle of diamond, from the radiance of sapphire to the fire of an orange spessartite, and the shimmering rainbows of opal. Having said that, one stone holds a special place in my heart—Paraiba tourmaline. The colour is incomparable and it lends itself to infinite design possibilities. As for sourcing our gems, the answer is simple—around the world. We even go directly to the mines to find the perfect stones for special custom pieces.
Since you source your own stones, do you also sell loose facete d gems to other dealers and retailers?
Yes. We carry of wide range of gems in a multitude of sizes, from those used in casual jewellery to very rare gems destined for collectors. This is in addition to the fine jewellery crafted by the Caroline C brand.
What is your design philosophy?
Simplicity is the defining element of elegance. A perfect piece of jewellery is much more than the value of the gemstone or the metal. It has a symbolic essence. Whether a gift of romance or parental love, or something that a woman purchases for herself, jewellery is personal and must connect to the wearer. A part of this connection is ensuring that our designs evoke symmetry and fluidity, and that their beauty shines, but never overpowers the personality of the wearer.
Who are your clientele?
Everyone who appreciates fine jewellery and the high quality of our workmanship, which extends equally to the back of the piece, making it as beautiful as the front. Many of our consumer clients include first-time jewellery buyers who are looking to purchase the three must-haves: a simple elegant bangle that goes with everything, day or night; a fashionable ring with a solitaire of her favourite stone; and an elegant pair of earrings that complements her face. Other clients include collectors, and we also deal with select fine retailers.
Since your pieces are crafted in limited series and many are on e-of-a-kind, do your clients purchase these high-end pieces for investment?
Yes. We have clients who want the perfect, rare, and collectable gemstones for investment. But, what is most important to them is that the design is equal to the seduction and sublime beauty of the jewel. They are looking for playful and highly sophisticated styles that they can enjoy. These collectors fall in love with their pieces and wear them often. (