Bernd Wolf - The Milonga Collection

May 2011

A journey across South America inspired the designers Yvonne and Bernd Wolf from Freiburg to create the Milonga Collection. Finest triangular ornaments arranged in expressive, dynamic symmetry enchant the eye of the beholder.

The Baila Jewelry Set

Combined with shining turquoise, pieces of jewelry are created which make you feel like it is summer. All pieces of jewelry are made at the factory in Freiburg – either in silver with the sunny Bernd Wolf surface made of finest gold or in silver with fine line matting.

The Milonga Jewelry Set

Milonga – the lively version of the Argentine tango – is a great passion of Yvonne and Bernd Wolf. With the name of the set, the designer couple describes the playful lightness of the dance and pays homage to dancing in equal measure.